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MPS Scar Release Therapy

Dolphin (MPS) Microcurrent Point Stimulation

30 min
90 US dollars
East 2nd Street

Service Description

This is for a follow up session after the initial consultation. What is Scar Release Therapy? The term "release" refers to the releasing or relaxing of contracted and tightened tissue. Scars new or old strain and pull fascia. Scar tissue has a different texture and quality than surrounding tissue therefore causing restrictions in movement, blood and lymph flow which is detrimental to long-term health. These restrictions can affect joints, limbs, surrounding areas and even underlying organs. Because our fascial system is interconnected even the smallest scar can affect other areas and create compensation patterns. How does (MPS) Microcurrent Point Stimulation Work or Help? This treatment is completely painless, the microcurrent is unlike the commonly used TENS units which actually activate the sympathetic nervous system. When the SNS is activated our bodies struggle to heal and actually create inflammation intern causing pain. The MPS current is micro meaning in does not trigger a sympathetic reaction rather we can effect the parasympathetic nervous response quicker than through manual work. MPS treatment encourages collagen remodeling, which can aid in softening scar tissue. The collagen fibers may realign as a result of the modest electrical stimulation, making the scar tissue more malleable and flexible. This technique and tool has been proven through research to accelerate healing around a scar. The current repolarizes tissue which opens lymphatic and blood channels. After one treatment we can reduce the density of a scar by 20%, and it never reverts back. Chronic pain levels have been shown to reduce dramatically after even one treatment. Multiple research documents are available to prove all these statements.

Cancellation Policy

24 hour cancellation policy - If there is a no-call no-show or you cancel within the 24 hour time-frame you will be responsible for paying the full price of your service booked. Please do not book and cancel multiple times if possible. It effects the therapists ability to maintain a consistent schedule. We realize things arise but please try to keep it to a minimum. You acknowledge and accept this when you book an appointment.

Contact Details

  • Brownstone Station Wellness Center, East 2nd Street, Hummelstown, PA, USA


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